Pakistan Mob Lynch: Body of Sri Lankan Factory manager flown home

Lahoire: In a gruesome and shocking Mob Lynch of Priyantha Diyawadana, the police have so far arrested 131 people including 26 prime suspects who have been remanded in custody.
The incident took place on Friday, last week. Now the remains of the deceased Sri Lanka factory manager have been airlifted and sent to Colombo, Tahir Ashrafi, a religious scholar and special representative of the prime minister on religious harmony, told AFP.
Priyantha was beaten to death and set ablaze by a mob after they accused him of blasphemy.
Many in the crowd made no attempt to hide their identity and some took selfies in front of the burning corpse.
However prime minister Khan announced a bravery medal would be awarded to a man who had attempted to save Diyawadana, endangering his own life.
It will be the first time that a person has received the award in a case linked to blasphemy.